The Weeklies #133

The Weekly Best Inventions Ever. DVD players. For the car. My kids don’t watch a lot of TV but we break our own rules when it comes to the car. And during our drive to and from the Outer Banks? We broke that rule a lot.
The Weekly Read. A friend hipped me to the Shit My Dad Says Twitter feed. After laughing my ass off, I grew skeptical. I figured it was just a guy with some good one liners, not a real dude in his late 20s who moved back in with his no-nonsense, foul-mouthed dad. Then the book came out. Look, the book is obviously an attempt to cash in on the success of the site, as well as the hype around the William Shatner-starring TV series currently in development. And books like that usually suck. This one didn’t. Sure, it’s a quick read and uses the now-infamous Twitter feeds as its centerpiece but it is funny and the portrait that emerges of the shit-saying dad is a pretty decent one.
The Weekly Astonishing Fact. Speaking of William Shatner, do you have any clue how much he’s made out of being the spokesman for Priceline? During his 10-year tenure, he’s earned a whopping $600 million. Yes. You read that right. See, instead of cash, he took stock. And despite the waning economy, Priceline has remained a highly valued favorite.
The Weekly Music. Rock and Roll. Owen loves Rock and Roll. He requests it whenever we’re in the car. His jammies with guitars on them? Rock and Roll Jammies. He’s even got the devil horns move down…mostly. Ronnie James Dio, may he rest in peace, would be proud.
The Weekly Thing I Couldn’t Care Less About. John Travolta announced they’re having another kid. Whoop-de-fucking-doo. Am I supposed to care when famous people get knocked up? Now, if Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh transcended the boundaries of modern medicine and had a kid together, I’d want to know because, well, kill it with fire! Otherwise, I could give a shit.
The Weekly Schadenfreude. Courtney Love just admitted to having a fling with supermodel Kate Moss. The question is, who else has Courtney loved? Or, perhaps a better question is who hasn’t she?
The Weekly Question. What’s the last book you read? Would you recommend it?